Ag Weather Update - January 16, 2024
As warm air pushes its way in over the next several days, many areas may get another shot of much needed moisture.

Precipitation Totals from January 1 to January 14, 2024
Parts of Southern Alberta and the extreme north of the Peace Region, received upwards of 15 mm of precipitation from January 1 to January 14, 2024. Most other areas of the province received 5-10 mm, with the exception of parts of the North East and Central Regions, where less than 5 mm was reported for this period.

Lowest Recorded Temperatures between January 7 and January 15, 2024
Approximately 20% of stations recorded temperatures below -45°C between January 7 and January 15, 2024. Another 20% of stations did not reach -40°C, with the 'warmest' location being Pinto Lookout (70 km SW of Grande Prairie) at a recorded -35.7°C.
The lowest temperature during this period was -50.7°C, recorded at Keg River AGCM, located approximately 90 km SW of High Level. For comparison, the coldest ever recorded temperature was -61.1°C at Fort Vermillion on January 11, 1911. To add context to the recent weather in the province, between the 29 day period from December 28, 1910 to February 4, 1911, 24 days recorded temperatures below -40°C, while six of these days were reported at below -50°C. This serves as a good reminder of how resilient our current infrastructure may be in similar conditions.

Total Number of Hours Below -38°C, between January 7 and January 15, 2024
Many parts of the Central, North East, North West, and Peace Regions saw temperatures drop below -38°C for more than 30 hours, while parts of the northern Peace Region recorded temperatures below -38°C for more than 60 hours non-consecutively.
Hopefully the sudden cold snap we are currently experiencing has a negative impact on the Alberta's Mountain Pine Beetle population, as well as providing some much needed moisture to some of the drier areas of the province.
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Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
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