Alberta Crop Report - September 3, 2024

Harvest continued at a rapid pace throughout the last week, supported by an ongoing period of warmer than average temperatures over the past month (Map). While most of the province reported minor rain delays, the delays were short given that high temperatures typically followed the storms which allowed fields to dry quickly. No weather delays were reported from the Peace Region over the past week.
As shown in Table 1, provincial harvest of major crops is progressing at a pace ahead of the 5-year average. The harvest of dry peas is notably ahead at 91 per cent complete this week, compared to the 5-year average of 66 per cent, suggesting that many producers have completed their pulses and are now focused on harvesting cereal crops. Provincial harvest progress of spring wheat is reported at 36 per cent complete, compared to the 5-year average of 16 per cent, and harvest of barley is reported at 50 per cent complete, compared to the 5-year average of 25 per cent. Oats are also well ahead of average with 21 per cent of the crop harvested versus the 5-year average of 6 per cent. Canola harvest progress is at 5 per cent compared to a 5-year average of 2 per cent; however, 38 per cent of canola is currently swathed versus the 5-year average of 21 per cent for this week.
The percentage of the province rated as having good to excellent surface soil moisture is 34 per cent this week, a 1 per cent improvement over last week due to the previously noted precipitation events (Table 2). Regional ratings for surface soil moisture considered as good to excellent (change from last week) are 39 (+8) per cent in the South Region, 34 (+5) per cent in the Central Region, 22 (-5) per cent in the North East Region, 22 (+1) per cent in the North West Region, and 54 (-16) per cent in the Peace Region.
Provincial sub-surface soil moisture is rated 24 per cent good to excellent this week, a decline of 4 per cent over the past week, indicating that the precipitation over the past week was not sufficient to recharge deeper reserves. Regional ratings for sub-surface soil moisture considered as good to excellent (change from last week) are 22 (+1) per cent in the South Region, 19 (-1) per cent in the Central Region, 19 (-11) per cent in the North East Region, 18 (-1) per cent in the North West Region, and 57 (-14) per cent in the Peace Region.

Pasture conditions continue to slowly decrease across the province, apart from in the Central Region (Table 3). Provincial pasture rated good to excellent was 27 per cent, an increase of 2 per cent over last week. Regional ratings for pasture growth rated as good to excellent (change from last week) are 31 (0) per cent in the South, 23 (+9) per cent in the Central, 15 (-4) per cent in the North East, 22 (-2) per cent in the North West, and 54 (-7) per cent in the Peace.
For this week, provincial tame hay is rated 27 per cent good to excellent, a decrease of 1 per cent from last week. Regional ratings for tame hay growth rated as good to excellent (change from last week) are 27 (-1) per cent in the South, 20 (+6) per cent in the Central, 10 (-6) per cent in the North East, 25 (-1) per cent in the North West, and 52 (-7) per cent in the Peace.
Regional Assessment - Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Sunny and dry conditions in the Peace Region have allowed harvest of major crops to progress 13 per cent since last week to 24 per cent complete, ahead of the 5-year average of 6 per cent.
- Harvest progress by crop is quite variable throughout the region. Harvest is 78 per cent complete for dry peas, 38 per cent complete for spring wheat, 35 per cent for barley, and 25 per cent for oats.
- Sub-surface moisture ratings are 2 per cent poor, 41 per cent fair, 57 per cent good, 0 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.
- Tame hay growth conditions are rated as 10 per cent poor, 38 per cent fair, 50 per cent good, and 2 per cent excellent.
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