Annual Peace Region Canola Survey
As of 2023, all Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) staff require formal permission to access land to conduct annual surveying and monitoring for insects and pests in commercial fields.
Help Jennifer Otani and the Beaverlodge Research Farm conduct important surveying by completing a confidential permission form to allow the researchers to access your land.
Insect monitoring data collected regionally provides insight into pest risk and helps the agricultural industry prepared and respond sustainably to protect field crops. The research also examines insect biodiversity in field crops, an important metric to gauge overall field productivity as well as temporal or spatial change.
By sharing your contact information with AAFC, you are consenting to have a member of technical support staff follow-up with you by email or phone. At that point, staff will ask for more information, such as a legal land description, type of crops to be grown, and other basic agronomic information. Information on protocols and sanitation will be provided to you, along with how the data collected will be used and the overall impact this has on agriculture.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Jennifer Otani at
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Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
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