Congratulations to our Local 4-H Societies!
Congratulations to the members of the Savanna and East-West Woking 4-H Clubs, who celebrated their achievements recently at shows in Savanna and Spirit River.
See below for a round-up of the clubs' achievements for 2024.

East-West Woking 4-H Club
For the first year on record, the East-West Woking 4-H Club ran a poultry project, headed by leader Susie Jack with seven members.
As part of the project, the members took part in educational sessions where they learned subjects such as egg anatomy, incubation, preparation and care of new chicks, and showing techniques.
In March, eggs were sourced from locals Tazara McClanaghan and Heidi Magill to run two incubations. After 21 days, hatching was a success and the resulting chicks were dispersed amongst the members. May saw the members take part in a show cage assembly and review basic showmanship and grooming ahead of the big day.
After all of their hard work and care, show day was a big success. Members were nervous although you would never have been able to tell by their calm performances, expertly working their chickens through different poses for the judges.
Show Results
- Nora Jack
- Aliza Wegleitner
- Autumn Magill
- Nora Jack
- Quincy Jack
- Charlie Shura
- Autumn Magill
- Anita Thomi
- Quincy Jack

The 2024 Small Engine group was led by Chad Klassen, who guided members throughout the year. As a group they toured the Northwestern Polytechnic campus in Fairview, visiting the different mechanic shops and learning about the trades courses on offer to students.
During the 4-H year, each member was able to build their own Drift Hero Go Karts, testing them out prior to show day. Unfortunately, one member was unable to present at the show, due to medical issues.
Achievement Day itself was a huge success, with members presenting their Go Karts and demonstrating their knowledge of the machines for the judges.
Show Results
Junior Presentation
- Layton Klassen
- Braiden Hodges
- Junior Aiton
Junior Knowledge
- Layton Klassen
- Braiden Hodges
- Junior Aiton
Intermediate Presentation
- Natalya Klassen
- Preston Aiton
Intermediate Knowledge
- Natalya Klassen
- Preston Aiton

The arguably most well-known 4-H activity, the Beef Project, was led by Chanley Jassman, with 12 members participating. Project animals consisted of a total of 11 Market Steers, 4 Heifers, and 1 Cow-Calf pair.
Throughout the year, members learned about selection and feeding for their project animals alongside growing their skills and confidence by participating in open beef shows, such as the Peace Country Beef Congress, Peace Country Classic Ag Show, and Peace Country Jr. Cattleman's Invitational.
The year's activities included participating in a tour of Emerson Trail Veterinary Services new facility, with Dr. Evan Lowe, as well as the organization of a Mini Achievement Day at the Rycroft Ag Society grounds, where members helped each other with grooming, showmanship, and judging in preparation for Acheivement Day. The two-day show was held at the MacLean Arena in Spirit River on June 7 and 8, 2024, and was yet again a great success for the team.
The first day of the show included Team and Individual competitions, such as Judging, Team Grooming, Team Show Judging, and the new Herdsman Beef Bowl. On day two, members hit the show ring with their steer and female projects, and were judged in Confirmation, Grooming, and Showmanship classes. The show was wrapped up with a live auction by VJV, from Dawson Creek.
The Beef Project Members and Leader would like to send out a heart felt thank you to all of our beef show sponsors, bidders and buyers, your contributions are most appreciated and great events such as this would not be possible without your continued support.
Show Results
Grand Champion Steer: Emily Jassman
Reserve Champion Steer: Hailey McClanaghan
Grand Champion Female: Bree Kosowan
Reserve Champion Female: Bree Kosowan
Champion Heifer: Bree Kosowan
Reserve Heifer: Jesse-Lee McClanaghan
Champion Cow-Calf Pair: Bree Kosowan
Reserve Cow-Calf Pair: Maxwell Skoyen
Sr. Steer Grooming
- Bree Kosowan
- Emily Jassman
Sr. Female Grooming
- Bree Kosowan
- Jesse-Lee McClanaghan
Jr. Steer Grooming
- Rylee Jassman
- Jesper Skoyen
Jr. Female Grooming
- Sarah Bourke
- Jesper Skoyen
Sr. Steer Showmanship
- Emily Jassman
- Bree Kosowan
Sr. Female Showmanship
- Bree Kosowan
- Jesse-Lee McClanaghan
Jr. Steer Showmanship
- Rylee Jassman
- Jesper Skoyen
Jr. Female Showmanship
- Jesper Skoyen
- Sarah Bourke
Champion Sr. Judging: Emily Jassman
Reserve Sr. Judging: Hailey McClanaghan
Champion Jr. Judging: Jesper Skoyen
Reserve Jr. Judging: Sarah Bourke
Champion Sr. Herdsman: Emily Jassman
Champion Jr. Herdsman: Jesper Skoyen
Rookie of the Year: Olivia Savard
Champion Team Grooming Team: Bree Kosowan, Olivia Savard, Josh Knobloch, and Jesper Skoyen
Champion Team Show Judging Team: Emily Jassman and Sarah Bourke

Savanna 4-H Club
The Savanna 4-H Achievement Day saw a wildly successful sale, run by Auctioneer Mac Leask Jr., with an average sale price of $5.98 per lb and an average weight on 22 steers of 1,365 lbs.
Show Results
Grand Champion Steer: Cheyanne Brett
Reserve Champion Steer: Shay Brett
Grand Champion Heifer: Addy Emms
Reserve Champion Heifer: Cheyanne Brett
Grand Champion Cow-Calf: Rory Desmet
Reserve Champion Cow-Calf: Cheyanne Brett
Rate of Gain
- Shay Brett
- Cheyanne Brett
Most Involved Member: Avva Fitzpatrick
Sr. Steer Grooming
- Clara Hotte
- Rory Desmet
Jr. Steer Grooming
- Avva Fitzpatrick
- Anja Fitzpatrick
Sr. Showman Steer
- Cheyanne Brett
- Clara Hotte
Jr. Showman Steer
- Avva Fitzpatrick
- Reese Dolen
Sr. Showman Heifer
- Cheyanne Brett
- Cole Brett
Jr. Showman Heifer
- Addy Emms
- Avva Fitzpatrick
Sr. Grooming Heifer
- Cheyanne Brett
- Clara Hotte
Jr. Grooming Heifer
- Avva Fitzpatrick
- Addy Emms
Sr. Steer Judging
- Clara Hotte
- Paige Dolen
Jr. Steer Judging
- Reese Dolen
- Addy Emms
Sr. Heifer Judging
- Clara Hotte
- Otto Fitzpatrick
Jr. Heifer Judging
- Avva Fitzpatrick
- Reese Dolen
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Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
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