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A Shout-Out to our Amazing Volunteer First Responders!

Saddle Hills County Fire Departments, along with Forestry resources, responded to an outdoor fire, that consumed a 3 hectare area, as well as a storage building and its contents, on Friday, September 15, 2023. Blueberry and Happy Valley Fire Departments helped to control the spread of the fire and keep it from candling into the trees and burning deeper down into the Ksituan valley.

Blueberry Fire Department returned yesterday morning after a report of smoke in the valley. They spent approximately four hours with chainsaws, water, and hand tools dealing with multiple small hot spots down the creek slope. The area affected has since been soaked using a hose and sprinkler to help prevent the growth of any new hot spots.

Thanks to the quick work of our Volunteer Firefighters, this fire was able to be kept under control, and we thank them for their time and dedication. It is these little, often unseen, acts by our volunteers that keep our community safe and thriving.

We urge all residents to take necessary precautions at their homes and to always be prepared. Residents should be aware of dried moss and other fine surface fuels on the forest floor that can hide a spark, smoldering for hours or days after an incident. Small things like using a sprinkler to soak dry areas, rooftops, and outbuildings can help curb the spread of fires before they start. Remember to always extinguish fire pits and burn barrels and be careful when smoking outside.

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