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General Information

  • Topping Up your Bulk Water Account over the Holidays

    If you wish to top up your Bulk Water Account in office, please remember to do so before the office closes on December 22, 2023. You can also top up online any time. 

  • Season's Greetings: A Message from the Reeve

    A seasonal message from Reeve Alvin Hubert. 

  • Seeking: Contractors & Equipment

    Throughout the year, the County employs contractors and equipment, including private companies and individuals for a variety of projects. 

  • Get Home Safely this Holiday Season

    Every year, incidents of impaired driving increase as people celebrate the holiday season and take to Alberta highways. Make sure you get home safely his holiday season.

  • Christmas Colouring Contest

    Enter our 2023 Christmas Colouring Contest and be entered to win a prize (or two)! No age or talent restrictions. Deadline: January 7, 2024. 

  • Saddle Hills County Health Clinic

    In 2021, Saddle Hills County began researching the potential of a Community Health Nurse to help respond to the healthcare needs of rural residents and reduce wait times for things like prescriptions. After much research, the County began the search for a Nurse Practitioner, hiring Palvi Sharma in August of this year.

  • Alberta Students Ranked Amongst Highest Performers

    At Saddle Hills County, we're not surprised to hear that Alberta's students continue to rank amongst the highest performers, both nationally and internationally.

  • Free Mental Health First Aid for Seniors Course

    Mental First Aid Supporting Older Adults (MHFA SOA) is an evidence-based training course by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), designed for people who have frequent contact with older adults such as through continuing care, home care, and seniors lodges, as well as family members, friends, caregivers, health workers, and volunteers.

  • Young Musician from Woking Honoured by Conservatory Canada

    Jayna Dreger, 15, of Woking was recognized by the national music-examining body and awarded a Medal of Excellence. 

  • Caution: Winter Burning

    Spring wildfires can result from smouldering winter burns. Make sure all fires are extinguished properly.

Contact Us

Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760

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