Alberta Crop Report as of July 25, 2023
Crop Report, provided by the Government of Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, as of July 25, 2023:
Reports for this week indicate that recent heat across the province has led to continued crop progression where moisture is available, and increased crop stress where moisture remains low. Significant rainfall has occurred in the northern regions of the province over the past 30 days, with reports from the North East and North West regions indicating damage to crops in low field areas due to excessive moisture and areas of crop lodging due to high winds. Notable areas that report a need for more moisture to allow crops to finish are the South and Central regions, as reports include growing concerns of crop stress in the South due to ongoing dryness. Areas in the North East and Peace regions are also reporting continuing dry conditions.
Since the last crop report, respondents indicate overall improvements in good to excellent crop ratings (Image 1) in the Central and North West regions, with decreased ratings in the South, North East, and Peace regions. Conditions for all crops are rated highest in the North East and Peace regions at 57 and 56 per cent respectively, and lowest in the South region at 29 per cent. Provincially, the proportion of crops rated good to excellent is 43 per cent for all crops and 44 per cent for major crops.
Provincial spring cereal staging is reported as ranging between late flowering to early dough development, with the majority of the crop at various stages of milk development. Crop progress for spring cereals continues to be ahead of both the five-year and 10-year averages for this week. Broad leaf crop progress is also continuing ahead of five-year and 10-year averages with most regions reporting that the majority of crops across the province are now podding.

The early provincial yield estimates are reported this week (Image 2). The majority of dryland crop yield estimates are below the five-year and 10-year averages, resulting in a provincial dryland five-year yield index of 85 for all crops and for major crops. This indicates that the current crop yield estimate is 15 per cent below the normal five-year yield average. Irrigated yield estimates are only provided for the South region. Irrigated crop yield estimates are near or above the five-year and 10-year averages, resulting in a provincial irrigated five-year yield index of 108 for all crops and 99 for major crops. This indicates that yields are eight per cent above normal for all crops and one per cent below normal for major crops.

Surface soil moisture ratings reported as good to excellent are 12 per cent in the South, 38 per cent in Central, 70 per cent in the North East, 76 per cent in the North West and 71 per cent in the Peace. Regional sub-surface moisture (beyond 6”) rated good to excellent is reported at 12 per cent in the South, 40 per cent in Central, 50 per cent in the North East, 71 per cent in the North West, and 70 per cent in the Peace.

The provincial progress on the first cut of hay is reported to be 85 per cent complete for dryland and 97 per cent complete for irrigation. The second cut is reported to have begun for dryland hay in the Central, North East, and North West regions, as well as for irrigated hay in the South and Central regions. Provincial tame hay growth (10-year average in brackets) is reported at 26 (16) per cent poor, 36 (24) per cent fair, 27 (45) per cent good and 12 (15) per cent excellent. Provincial pasture growth (10-year average) is reported as 35 (20) per cent poor, 34 (26) per cent fair, 24 (44) per cent good and 7 (10) per cent excellent.
Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- After recent rains, good to excellent rated crop is reported as 56 per cent per cent for both major crops and all crops.
- Dryland all crop five-year yield indexes indicate early yield estimates at 10 per cent below the five-year average.
- Spring cereal crop development is reported to be in milk development. Canola crop development is reported as almost entirely at the podding stage.
- Regional surface (sub-surface) moisture is reported as 8 (8) per cent poor, 21 (23) per cent fair, 34 (35) per cent good, 37 (35) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.
- The first cut of dryland hay is reported to be 75 per cent complete with yields at 84 per cent of the five-year average.
To read the full report on all regions head to their website:
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