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  • FarmCash Fall Applications - Now Open!

    FarmCash is a cash advance program and cash flow management tool offered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to producers across Western Canada, in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Maintoba. It provides marketing flexibility when selling, low interest savings, risk mitigation during the growing season, and resources for wise investing.

  • AFSC Upcoming Deadlines - Crop Insurance, Agri-stability, and Overwintering Insurance

    The Agricultural Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) provides Alberta's farmers and agri-businesses with loans, crop insurance, and farm income disaster assistance. For more information on all the funding and insurance programs offered, please visit their website at

  • Fall Tree Planting

    Fall presents an excellent opportunity to plant larger caliper trees on your property. Caliper trees are older trees, with a minimum trunk diameter of 4 cm, measured 15 cm above ground level. Larger caliper trees have a trunk diameter of 10 cm, measured 30 cm above ground level. In Alberta, spring often brings dry soil and low humidity. However, during fall tree planting, soil moisture is higher due to summer and autumn rains, providing an advantageous environment for root establishment in preparation for the upcoming spring.

  • Septic Awareness Week 2023 - Free Septic Sense Webinars

    Do you have Septic Sense?
    September 18 to 22 is Septic Awareness Week, and the Western Canada Onsite Wastewater Management Association (WCOWMA) is urging homeowners to practice Septic Sense by considering both what goes down the drain and how to maintain their septic system.

  • Moisture Updates - August 31, 2023

    Since the last report on August 23, 2023, rainfall has been highly variable, ranging from none across much of the northern and north-western Peace Region and throughout most of east-half of the Central and Southern Regions, to well over 20 mm along the western portions of the central and Southern Regions.  These areas have been dry and this is much needed moisture for struggling hay and pasture lands.  Notably, parts of the North West Region received less than 5 mm, which was welcome given the wet conditions that have persisted over the past few months.

  • Alberta Crop Report as of August 29, 2023

    Crop Report, provided by the Government of Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, as of August 29, 2023.

  • 2023 Members-at-Large Needed for Boards & Committees

    Saddle Hills County is looking for members-at-large for the Agricultural Appeal Committee, Agricultural Services Board, Saddle Hills County Municipal Library Board, and the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. 

  • School Zones are Back - Please Slow Down!

    Please note that students will be returning to schools the week beginning September 4, 2023, and school zones will be once again be in place.

  • 2023 Highway Clean-up in Numbers

    This summer, four of our amazing community organizations cleaned a total of 61.4km of County highways as part of our annual Highway Clean-up program.

  • Reminder: Ditching Permits Required

    A friendly reminder that permits are required for any work carried out in County ditches and Rights-of-Way.

    It is the responsibility of the landowner to contact the County prior to any proposed work.

Contact Us

Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760

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